










在澳门在线赌城娱乐, we are constantly challenging ourselves to pioneer innovative approaches and processes which minimise our impact on the world’s natural resources. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐将可持续发展整合到整个供应链中,从实验室工作台到患者. Across our labs we are creating a culture of sustainability and changing mindsets to ensure we design, 以最具环境可持续性的方式开发和提供新药. 


The healthcare sector is responsible for approximately 5% of all global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with laboratories found to consume 5-10 times more energy than typical office spaces.1 作为一家以改变健康状况为使命的公司, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐有责任直接应对气候危机. 通过长期和持久的改变, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在减少实验室操作对环境的影响, 为澳门第一赌城在线娱乐Ambition Zero Carbon strategy to decarbonise our operations and value chain to become net zero by 2045 最迟.


透过澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的绿色实验室计划, we are reducing the environmental impact of our lab operations by engaging scientists in environmental sustainability across the organisation – from lab-based colleagues in R&D与制药技术 & Development to our operational colleagues across quality control in our manufacturing and supply network. 随着4000多名同事优化工作方式,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在改变澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的文化. 例如,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在采取行动:

  • 能源减少: Engaging in the International Freezer Challenge and Switch Off Optimisation Program (SWOOP) to reduce our power consumption and carbon footprint.
  • 废物管理: Adopting eco-friendly waste disposal methods and promoting the recycling of lab materials such as plastics and gloves, 减少废物产生量.
  • 认证: 与我的绿色实验室合作, deploying certificates across our organisation to understand our sustainable performance within the lab space and identify opportunities to improve.
  • 实验室流程创新: 减少原料和溶剂的使用.


我的绿色实验室 is a non-profit environmental organisation with a mission to build a global culture of sustainability in science. The organisation is the world leader in developing internationally recognised sustainability standards for laboratories and laboratory products, bringing sustainability to the community responsible for the world’s life-changing medical and technical innovations. 实验室是任何行业中资源最密集的空间之一, 但他们不必如此. 通过在精心设计的框架中引入新的视角和经过验证的最佳实践, 我的绿色实验室 has inspired tens of thousands of scientists to make a positive change in their labs by reducing the environmental impact of their work.



得到 联合国奔向零目标 运动是迈向零碳未来的关键措施, 我的绿色实验室认证是通过澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的R&D团队,被认为是实验室可持续性的全球标准. 到目前为止, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在世界各地的100多个实验室空间中获得了“我的绿色实验室”认证, 其中41项是可以达到的最高水平——绿色.  We are the first organisation to achieve certification at this level at our manufacturing and supply sites across the Americas region, 这在任何行业都是第一次.

另外, our Cairo manufacturing site received the first Green level certification for a quality control lab out of any other organisation within the pharmaceutical sector. This reflects the global work undertaken by our scientists and quality professionals to improve energy, 水 and chemical use and reduce the amount of waste produced through initiatives including recycling lab plastics and gloves.

Earlier this year our Alexion Athlone (Ireland) facility installed heat pump technology in their finish fill building which is expected to reduce scope 1 emissions by 50% and avoid over 6,000兆瓦时的天然气, 相当于550户家庭每年的天然气使用量.*


除了我的绿色实验室认证, 在过去的四年里,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐参加了一个国际, 一年一度的竞赛,旨在推广实验室冷库管理的最佳做法. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的实验室竞相通过清理冰箱等活动来节约能源, 维护, 温度从-80°C到-70°C, 升级到更节能的车型.

In 2023, 每天节省了5299千瓦时, 相当于用来充电的能量估计为278,每天844部手机**. Based on these energy savings and proactive approaches to reducing the environmental impact of cold storage, we were awarded by 我的绿色实验室 and The International Institute for Sustainable Laboratories (I 2 SL), 小型实验室奖&瑞典哥德堡的D生物银行和冷冻挑战顶级组织奖. 除了, 今年,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐获得了实验室创新“年度智能实验室”和“年度可持续实验室”的奖项。.

另外, 哥德堡实验室的同事升级了澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的生物库冷冻库, safely decommissioning 37 old freezers and replacing them with 25 new and more energy efficient models, 有助于减少1吨二氧化碳当量——相当于充电121吨,每周643部手机.**


自2021年以来, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐一直在实现SWOOP, 或关闭优化程序, 在澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的大多数实验室里. SWOOP is a grassroots initiative that identifies and categorises laboratory equipment to allow individual scientists to shut down equipment when appropriate, 而且不会显著影响科学家的工作流程. 通过给设备贴上绿色tags(使用后可安全关机), 琥珀色(关闭前与主管确认)或红色(不关闭)贴纸, our scientists are empowered to make small changes that reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions footprint; a simple initiative that has delivered tangible energy reductions.

We are empowering our lab-based colleagues with sustainable research practices through behavioural changes. 这是要求澳门第一赌城在线娱乐实验室的每个人在做任何事情时都有一个可持续发展的心态. Our accreditations are a testament to how quickly this programme can result in positive change to more sustainably manage energy, 水, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐实验室里的废物和化学品.


每一次改变都很重要. Our ultimate goal is to achieve the highest level of certification provided by 我的绿色实验室 across all our sites and have lab-based colleagues around the world take part in activities that reduce our environmental impact and enable us to operate sustainably. 亲眼目睹了我的绿色实验室认证的好处, 冰箱挑战, 和SWOOP,帮助澳门第一赌城在线娱乐实现环境可持续发展的目标, we are now a 我的绿色实验室 sponsor and are working together to support the future of sustainable science across our company, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的合作伙伴, 合作者和其他人.


  • 可持续性



1. 2021卫生保健应对气候变化:碳足迹评估. 可在:http://www.thelancet.http://www.journals/lanplh/article/piis2542 -5196(20)30271-0/全文(访问日期:2023年11月).

*Energy equivalence determined using the Environmental Protection Agency Greenhouse Gas Equivalence Calculator

**Energy savings estimated by 我的绿色实验室 and I2SL for the 2023 Freezer Challenge; energy equivalence determined using the Environmental Protection Agency Greenhouse Gas Equivalence Calculator

Veeva ID: Z4-59967