
The importance of animal studies in developing the 新一代疗法

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We are driven by science, focusing on the discovery 和 development of the 新一代疗法 使用一系列药物模式, 比如先进的生物制剂, nucleotide-based疗法, 细胞疗法. Delivering these innovative new therapies will change the lives of many people around the world. 在R&D, we apply many different methods to develop our medicines, including working with 在体外 在网上 方法:动物模型、健康志愿者和患者.

多年来, progress has been made to reduce the use of animals in medical research, but animal studies remain essential 和 a requirement for this important work.

We take the responsibility for the ethical care 和 use of animals in research seriously. 动物福利永远是优先考虑的. At the centre of our commitment to quality science 和 animal welfare are the Replacement, 研究中动物的减少和改良(3Rs).



加速模型和工具的开发和使用, 基于最新的科学技术, to address important scientific questions without the use of animals.



Appropriately designed 和 analysed animal studies that are robust 和 reproducible, 并真正增加知识基础.



利用最新科技促进动物福利 在活的有机体内 technologies 和 improving underst和ing of the impact of welfare on scientific outcomes.


When discovering 和 developing new therapies to treat debilitating 和 serious disease, in many circumstances there are no validated alternatives to animal studies. Studies are conducted for a variety of purposes across a range of illnesses, for instance to find out the most effective dosing patterns for new 糖尿病治疗方法,以确定针对特定类型的方法 癌症,或者找到最好的方法来治疗患有糖尿病的患者 红斑狼疮. 在大多数情况下, 全球监管机构在批准一种新药进行人体临床试验之前,都要求进行动物实验. Animal studies therefore remain essential for evaluating the efficacy 和 safety of new medicines.


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐澳门在线赌城娱乐科学与动物福利委员会(C-SAW)是领导澳门第一赌城在线娱乐全球动物研究方法的专家组, 推动3r应用, 支持动物使用的公开, 并保证澳门第一赌城在线娱乐符合标准. We apply consistent global st和ards to all work involving animals, whether it is conducted by ourselves or by third parties acting on our behalf.


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐采用一种超越合规的关怀文化, 确保对动物的同情和尊重, which are housed in purpose-built facilities that ensure optimal environmental conditions for all species. Cages 和 pens are designed so that animals can be kept in socially compatible groups; animals are given a specialised diet for their needs 和 are supplied with enrichment to allow them to express natural behaviours. All staff working with animals are specially trained in h和ling 和 care, 确保人与动物之间的关系是积极的.


Our 关怀文化 also includes the research staff who care for our animals. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐通过专注于:

  • Creating awareness of everyone’s role 和 their contribution to science 和 welfare
  • Initiatives that support the emotional wellbeing of caregivers
  • 建立员工之间更好的沟通和理解 
  • 确保易于访问的机制来报告关注事项


We are investing in the continued development of non-animal alternative models, 比如先进的细胞模型, 包括瀑样, “器官芯片”微生理系统, 以及使用计算机建模, 和 Artificial Intelligence (AI) 和 machine learning driven models. 这些新方法方法(NAMs)用于药物发现过程的各个阶段,并提供一系列证据,可以帮助进一步减少或减少药物滥用, 在某些情况下, 不需要进行选定的动物研究.

We are actively developing advanced cell models for efficacy 和 safety assessments:

  • 人类心脏显微组织使澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能够在临床相关药物浓度下检测心脏结构的变化,并提供对表型机制的见解.1
  • 人肾脏MPS, 在研究诸如反义寡核苷酸等新疗法时,哪一种能够模拟临床相关的肾损伤生物标志物的释放.2
  • 一种人类骨髓MPS,使澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能够检测诱导微核(染色体损伤的标记)的化合物,包括那些仅在动物中检测到的化合物3 以及肿瘤药物引起的细胞减少症.4 这项骨髓MPS研究也展示了MPS研究如何从系统的混杂因素评估中获益,从而最大限度地发挥功效, 效率, 和可扩展性.
  • Multi-organ disease models are also in place for efficacy assessment, 例如澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的肝胰腺MPS与临床翻译相关的数学模型糖尿病.5


We’re working with other pharmaceutical companies to accelerate the adoption of NAMs. For example, we are authors on a recent cross-industry publication6 由IQ联盟的IQ MPS分支机构领导, 其中详细介绍了增加不结盟运动的采用和减少对动物研究的需求所需的进展和技术进步


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐与动物打交道的科学家经过训练,并通过定期评估保持高标准. We also employ expert individuals specifically trained in the monitoring 和 advancement of animal welfare, 包括动物福利官员和兽医.

澳门第一赌城在线娱乐认可并赞扬澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的科学家和动物护理人员对3r和澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的关怀文化的卓越承诺. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的C-SAW全球3r奖 是一项竞争激烈且备受瞩目的奖励计划,以表彰在3r科学方面的卓越表现,并鼓励澳门第一赌城在线娱乐公司和外部合作伙伴在动物福利方面的持续改进. 





室内研究需要动物,2023年是768次, 代表澳门第一赌城在线娱乐进行合同研究,690倍. 在总, 超过97%是啮齿动物或鱼类, 绝大多数是老鼠(84%); the remainder is made up of rabbits, 骆驼科, 雪貂, 狗, 猪, 非人灵长类动物, 鸡和羊. Dogs 和 非人灵长类动物 make up less than 1% of the total.

The total number of animals each year varies because use depends on several factors, 包括澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在进行的大量临床前研究, the complexity of the diseases 和 medicines under investigation, 以及监管要求. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的3r方法确保澳门第一赌城在线娱乐使用正确数量的动物来提供统计上可靠的结果, 避免不必要的重复研究.



In 2023, 在澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的内部研究和代表澳门第一赌城在线娱乐进行的合同研究中,超过97%的动物是啮齿动物或鱼类, 绝大多数是老鼠(84%). 老鼠在癌症和其他毁灭性疾病的治疗研究和发展中起着关键作用. 基因改造小鼠以模拟人类疾病的技术的进步大大缩短了开发新药所需的时间. Registration of new medicines also requires an environmental assessment, 因为一旦使用了药物, 它们的痕迹可以在环境中找到. These environmental assessments include studies with zebrafish, which are also used in a variety of research studies in the early discovery of new therapeutics.

狗和非人类灵长类动物所占比例不到1%. 一些监管机构批准的新药要求对两种哺乳动物的人体安全性进行评估, typically a rodent 和 a larger non-rodent species such as a minipig, 狗或非人类灵长类动物. Mini猪 are sometimes not suitable due to a specific drug interaction that can only be avoided by using 狗 instead; 非人灵长类动物 are needed only when other species cannot replicate aspects of human biology with the same degree of accuracy. In all cases clear ethical justification must be made for species selection.


All research animals are purpose bred by licenced 和 regulated breeders. 宠物和流浪动物不用于研究, 和 we do not conduct research using wild-caught 非人灵长类动物 or great-ape species. Animal breeders 和 vendors are included in our animal welfare assurance programme.

How does AstraZeneca communicate with the public on animals in research?

We are a signatory to the Concordat on Openness in Animal 研究 in the UK. 2014年7月推出, 它要求澳门第一赌城在线娱乐和其他签署国明确何时, 如何, 和 why we use animals in research; enhancing our communications with the media 和 the public about our research using animals; 和 reporting annually on our progress. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐在世界其他地区也有类似的承诺,包括动物研究和教学开放协议(澳大利亚/新西兰).S. 动物研究开放倡议. 



1. 阿切尔CR 等. 表征和验证人类3D心脏微组织的心脏病理变化的评估. Sci代表. 2018;8:10160. http://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-28393-y

2. Nieskens TTG . 肾毒性反义寡核苷酸SPC5001在近端芯片小管中诱导肾损伤生物标志物. 拱Toxicol 2021;95:2123-36. http://doi.org/10.1007/s00204-021-03062-8

3. David R 等. Three dimensional 和 microphysiological bone marrow models detect 在活的有机体内 积极的化合物. 科学报告. 2021;11:21959. http://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-01400-5

4. 凯恩斯J 等. 微生理系统中有效毒性测试的最佳实验设计:骨髓应用. 前药物杂志. 2023:14: http://doi.org/10.3389 / fphar.2023.1142581

5. 鲍尔年代 等. Functional coupling of human pancreatic islets 和 liver spheroids on-a-chip: 对 a novel human 体外 2型糖尿病模型. Sci代表. 2017;7:14620. http://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-14815-w

6. 应激物DM . 对 在体外 models for 减少 or replacing the use of animals in drug testing. 自然生物医学工程 2023; http://doi.org/10.1038/s41551-023-01154-7

Veeva ID: Z4-61379