恢复和保护澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的土地. Our Future’

“We cannot turn back time, but we can grow forests, revive water sources, and bring back soils. We are the generation that can make peace with land,” 2024年世界环境日.

To mark 2024年世界环境日,联合国环境规划署紧急呼吁采取行动 一代恢复 在三个优先事项上找到全球共同点:

  • Revive lands
  • 结束沙漠化
  • Secure water

We are committed to tackling climate change and biodiversity loss – two of the biggest challenges of our time  – because we know that supporting a healthy environment is critical to the health of people, society, and the planet. Natural resources, 以及人类从自然中得到的好处, 也对澳门第一赌城在线娱乐的药品生产和工厂运营至关重要吗. 

Through water stewardship and reforestation we're taking action to help restore landscapes and enhance ecological resilience. We are also collaborating with our peers in the pharmaceutical sector to develop a new 制药行业的自然积极路线图, to accelerate the business contribution towards the societal goal of nature positive.


Through AZ Forest, we are working in partnership with experts focused on landscape restoration and local communities, 到2030年,在六大洲种植和维护2亿棵树. AZ Forest专注于天然林恢复, 恢复退化农地, and agroforestry. 项目的设计是为了使重新造林的共同利益最大化, 包括:支持可持续生计, 建立当地的气候适应能力, protecting and restoring biodiversity and reducing the risk of natural disasters, 比如洪水和山体滑坡.

Learn more about AZ Forest, our global reforestation and biodiversity programme


In India, we will plant and maintain an estimated 64 million trees, in collaboration with Earthbanc, Earthtree, Worldview Impact (India) and Hill Farmers Shiitake Mushroom Co-op Society. The regenerative horticulture and agriculture project will plant many of the indigenous tree and plant species suitable for farmers to sustainably produce foods, fibre, 还有精油.

该项目是一个网络中最大的 循环生物经济联盟's (CBA) “Living Labs for Nature, People and Planet”, a series of initiatives that follow a framework for sustainable, 弹性和适合当地的景观再生, 由欧洲森林研究所(EFI)共同开发, CBA和澳门在线赌城娱乐. Innovative AI technology and will enable monitoring of AZ Forest India tree planting targets, and in line with the UNCCD Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Global Mechanism, 生物物理指标,如生物量, 土壤有机碳, 土地生产力和土地覆盖也在监测之中.

This is a wonderful example of private sector leadership and joined up thinking in land stewardship. Earthbanc and its partners are fighting climate change and delivering for people and the land at the same time. The project’s strong focus on developing sustainable value chains that ensure farmers’ livelihoods will also mean land degradation stops as land cover, 生产力和土壤有机碳均增加. 每个人都受益!

Louise Baker Managing Director of the Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)


In Africa, in central Ghana, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在和CBA合作, 新一代种植园技术援助(NGPTA)和其他合作伙伴, 要种植,确保生存4.7 million trees. By the end of 2023, this “Living Lab”, had engaged 23 communities and planted over 3.8 million trees. Our science-led approach includes analysing environmental DNA (eDNA) in water samples to track the impact of natural forest restoration on freshwater biodiversity in the region.

AZ Forest Ghana will contribute to this year’s Green Ghana Day goal to plant 10 million trees across the country. 

更多澳门在线赌城娱乐的AZ森林项目的信息 Kenya and on 2023年计划扩展.

Water stewardship

保护水源对健康的环境至关重要. Through responsible management of water resources and enhancing water quality, we are safeguarding ecosystems and preserving water for current and future generations. For example, 与印度环境保护基金会(EFI)合作, 澳门在线赌城娱乐印度金奈的员工帮助支持生物多样性和水资源, by:

  • 修复两个池塘和四个湖泊,占地180英亩, 淡水库存量增加2000立方米,蓄水能力提高100%. 这有助于补充半径10公里范围内的地下水位, 增强抗洪能力,控制水土流失.
  • 设立两个“海绵公园”进行收集, filter, 并在暴雨期间储存径流, 减少洪水风险, 提高抗旱能力和水质.
  • 在学校安装两个雨水收集装置, promoting rainwater conservation and reducing dependence on municipal water supplies.

作为 水管理联盟 (AWS) we support the global movement to advance good water stewardship practices and are actively participating in Phase 1 of the AWS 冲击加速器计划,在澳门第一赌城在线娱乐位于金奈和班加罗尔的基地应对共同的水资源挑战. Through comprehensive catchment assessments and gap analysis reports we're laying the groundwork to meet the rigorous requirements of the AWS Standard.

Our Chennai and Bangalore sites have also embarked on local forestation efforts, planting over 32,000棵本地树苗. This activity, 它增加了四英亩的绿化面积, 支持减少空气和噪音污染, 创造碳汇,减轻城市热岛效应, is in addition to reforestation activities under our global AZ Forest programme.


今年的世界环境日, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐还想重点关注2024年领导2030挑战的获奖者, 致推动景观恢复和水资源管理的年轻领袖:

  • 通过他对地球日的领导.org Canopy项目, Ajay Mittal, co-founder of Kolkata Clean Air and a climate advocate and changemaker from India, has enabled the planting of two million mangroves in the fragile Sundarbans ecosystem, 帮助恢复160公顷退化的红树林.
  • Dr. 以利以谢Lappots-Abreu, 国际健康视界(HHI)总裁兼执行主任, has directed high-impact community development projects including improving access to clean water through a water filter project, 以及在多米尼加共和国植树.

The Lead2030 Challenge is the world’s largest prize fund for young leaders making an impact towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Both of our Lead2030 Challenge grant winners will each receive grants of US $50,为他们的卫生公平项目提供5万美元, a fully-funded Scholarship to the One Young World Summit in Montréal and a year of mentorship from our leaders to support their development.


  • Sustainability